Bold moves shake things up, force us from our complacency, and require us to step out of our comfort zone.
Bold moves cause us to stretch and grow.

I’m sure you’ve heard the explanation of insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. This doesn’t have to be your life. 

What if you could could jump ahead a year from today, what would you like to be different? 

What changes would you like to make? 

2024 can be a year of Bold Moves—doing things differently and seeing amazing results! I have identified 5 Bold Moves that can change your trajectory and aim you in the direction of the future you have been dreaming about! Bold moves shake things up, force us from our complacency, and require us to step out of our comfort zone. Bold moves cause us to stretch and grow. Bold moves help us change our position or posture and take action. At their core bold moves require us to be daring, courageous, and brave.



With planning and preparation, bold moves can help you accomplish your goals and see the results you desire become reality. Let’s get started! 


Dreams sometimes waiver, they sometimes dim, but some dreams simply won’t go away. They may go into dormancy for a time, but under the surface, when we are still and quiet, we remember. I believe these are the dreams God longs for us to dream.  

As children, we dream big dreams. We dream about becoming a professional athlete or building skyscrapers or rockets. We run and dance. We paint and draw. Undeterred by details and unhindered by constraints, we pretend, play, and prepare. We test our ideas and create new ones. We dream big and we dream small. Much of it in the name of fun. But as we grow up our dreams can get pushed aside by the practical, pressing realities of day to day life. Somewhere along the way we lose our passion and our inspiration. We trade our brilliant sparkle for something sensible, yet dull. God has placed dreams within your heart. He wants you to dream big. Rekindle those flames that excite and ignite you. 

I believe we have glimpses and glimmers of our dreams, even while they are still being developed. There are times when God says “go” and times He says “not yet.” I have found that in times of waiting I become more acutely aware of God’s timing. We must learn to nurture our hearts, our passions, and our dreams, especially during the waiting times. We all go through seasons when we have less capacity to affect change in our circumstance or situation, times when our roles demand and require more. These times are often wonderful and challenging, all at the same time.

This was never truer for me than in the process of writing. Early in my coaching journey the  message of inspiration was being birthed, I was set on a course to launch. I thought. But the journey of adoption entered my world and my life changed. My plan shifted. And for many years the message remained mostly for my eyes only. Fast forward over ten years, a whole lot of life lived, and my dream of writing a book became a reality!

I have learned that at times “not yet” feels like never. And “go” can feel scary and daunting. After dreaming, testing, and researching for so long, much of the reality of writing came down to the fundamental discipline of hard work. Writing when I felt like it and writing when I didn’t.

Dreaming is essential because it helps create a vision for your life. We are unique. We each must navigate our individual setbacks and successes. The cost is great if we fail. Your dreams matter. The passion within your heart is important and needed. What you do with what you’ve been given can make a difference. Dreamers are future focused and fueled by possibilities. Planners, on the other hand, crave  predictability. Wherever you land on this continuum, the truth is you need some of both. You have the ability to imagine a preferred future. Dreams and passions are filled with positive emotions. They provide fuel to press past the hard days and difficult challenges in pursuit of your dreams.

Once we gain clarity around our passions, what comes next? How do we take steps to live it out? In all of our lives, there comes a time when our dreams either stay dreams or they become  reality. Choosing to live from your passion involves commitment, prayer, discipline, and courage.

In the next post, I will share about the second bold move- TRY SOMETHING NEW.

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