“God uses the unique hopes, dreams, and passions He has placed within each of us to communicate His love to the world.” 

Lori Riner, Inspirational Intelligence

Like chlorophyll within a plant, passion is the color of our lives. God uses color to communicate through creation. Warning, protection, promise, and beauty are all expressed through color. From the vibrancy of a poison arrow frog, a display of warning, to the rainbow in Genesis, the sign of God’s promise, nature speaks in color. Just as color speaks of brilliance, beauty, and variety in creation, God uses the unique hopes, dreams, and passions He has placed within each of us to communicate His love to the world.

Passion is a strong liking or enthusiasm for a subject or activity. Like liquid hope running through our veins, it energizes, invigorates, and inspires us to keep pressing on. Passion comes out in those times we find ourselves lost in an activity. Hours go by and still, we are engaged, excited, and endeavoring. It is revealed in the things that interest us most. Passion has a direct correlation to energy and can fuel even the most mundane tasks. The principle of energy in- energy out is especially evident if those reserves become depleted. Making time for interests we’re passionate about helps us accomplish the activities we must do even when they’re not the things we love doing. 

     Do you know what you are passionate about? Think back to your childhood. What did you love to do? What were the things you could be found doing on days off from school or during your free time? Make note of these things, and write them down.

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